Friday, October 16, 2009

Starting 2nd block exams of 1st semester

I've started the 2nd block of exams for the first semester. I've mostly done individual studying this time instead of group study, just because I think at times it's faster. I also believe it's hard to find someone with your exact same style given the plethora of information you can absorb. For example, histology would give you a book full of information. Within that book, some of the people who are trying to get straight A's in school will try to memorize all the information. Others are just trying to get by with the time they are willing to commit to school. Other's don't care to get A's, and are just concentrated on learning what they feel is important. So within all of these types of people, it's hard even from class to class to find someone with your exact interests on what they want out of the class. My experience has been that the people who do really well in their area, aren't usually the highest grade people, they are mostly people that have an intense curiosity about a subject that drives them to continue on after others have lost interest. I'm mostly trying to study the most with what time I have and try to concentrate on what I feel is important to my career.