Friday, September 25, 2009

1st Rounds of test over

I completed my first round of tests which included Dental Anatomy, Biochem, Histo, and Gross Anatomy. I felt like I studied pretty hard, about the time you'd put in for a final at undergrad and received an 88 in Dental Anatomy, 88 in Biochem, 76 in Histo, and 75 in Gross Anatomy. I felt that was not too bad given my lack of knowledge in any of these courses coming into Dental School. Looking forward, our schedule gets a lot busier, so less time to study. I'm hoping this first round of tests will allow me to be able to breath a little easier on some of the finals. I would say I've been spending ~50-60 hours at school going to class/studying. I was somewhat bumbed at my Histo grade, but then I thought to myself, it's not the end of the world that I don't know the difference between a monocyte and a lymphocyte.

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